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News in Germany

Useful Information

emergency pharmacy

German emergency pharmacies “Apotheken-Notdienst” is a system in which, after the general pharmacies are closed, pharmacies in a certain range of local district extend their business hours for emergencies.Therefore, you can visit the ‘Emergency Pharmacy’ in your area even on holidays, weekends, and at night. Since local pharmacies open as emergency pharmacies on a rotational basis, the ‘list of emergency pharmacies open today’ can be found in the local newspaper, on the homepage of the local pharmacy or on the pharmacy portal, and is usually posted at the entrance of the local pharmacy.

Go to check emergency pharmacies open by region and date (

local newspapers

The German village newspaper, also called "Ortszeitung" or "Gemeindezeitung", is a local newsletter published by German local communities. These newspapers provide information about a particular town, city, or community and cover a variety of topics, including local events, events, announcements, cultural activities, local economics, and social issues.

The town newspaper provides information related to everyday events in the community and serves to keep residents informed of community news and events. This promotes community solidarity and communication while helping residents stay up-to-date on events happening in their area.

Village newspapers are primarily aimed at residents and can be published monthly, weekly or irregularly to subscribers. These newspapers are often delivered to houses in an envelope or are provided free of charge in public places and stores. In addition, online access along with modern means of communication allows interested people outside the community to follow the news.

German village newspapers are recognized as an important medium that encourages community interaction and information sharing, contributing to the development of local residents and the local economy.

garbage collection system

Garbage collection, called “Mülltrennung” or “Abfalltrennung”, is carried out by local agencies directly according to a set schedule and the types or forms (container / garbage bag / set up in a designated area outdoors, etc.). The types of garbage separated in daily life are largely ‘General waste (Restmüll), Paper, Packaging (Verpackungen)Environmental waste (Biomüll)Glass. In most cases, separate containers are provided next to the house or in the complex for general trash, paper, and environmental waste. In the case of packaging, depending on the region, containers or separate bags are used to collect and discharge in front of the house or complex. Glass uses dedicated glass containers that are set up by region, and are separated according to the color (transparent, green, brown) displayed on the container. In addition, there are ‘waste materials and hazardous materials’, which are collected by companies on a schedule set by the region, or by visitinh the ‘segregated collection treatment site’ to dispose of them. Garbage collection always takes place on a set schedule and at a designated location, and will not be collected if the schedule is exceeded or the site is out of place. Our nihanCo team will provide more detailed information after consultation to help you overcome the difficulties related to the unfamiliar German garbage collection method.

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